8-oz. Bottle
Mother’s Special Blend Skin Toning Oil is formulated to help prevent stretch marks naturally by nourishing and conditioning your skin while it expands and contracts – before, during and after pregnancy. Mother’s Special Blend is a safe formula for you and your baby. There are no chemicals, perfumes, emulsifiers, dyes, or preservatives. It is safe for all over body use.
Directions: Apply it every day after you bathe or shower when your skin is warm and moist for best results. Mother’s Special Blend will soften, condition, and soothe your skin and help prevent stretch marks. It is safe for allover body use. Mother’s Special Blend is also soothing for sore nipples. It is safe for baby. Clean your nipples before and after nursing. Enjoy the natural fragrance of cocoa butter.
Please note: Color changes from clear to cloudy are normal due to extreme cold temperatures and easily remedied by placing the bottle with the cap sealed in hot water for 5-10 minutes.
No Chemicals • No Preservatives • No Artificial Colors • No Perfumes
Ingredients: Almond oil, coconut oil, cocoa butter and vitamin E.